In this month, 135 years ago
April 19, 2020
Sorry we are closed, but ……..
May 5, 2020The 25th April 2020 will mark the anniversary of the Gallipoli Landings. At around
4.30 a.m. on Sunday 25th April 1915 the first soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army
Corps (ANZAC) landed near Ari Burnu on the Gallipoli Peninsula, mostly landing at a place
that became known as Anzac Cove, the troops came under fire before they had stepped ashore.
Men, brothers, fathers, husbands and uncles from the Altona Bay and Laverton area stepped forward for King and country. It was said, at that time, that the Laverton area provided more volunteers as a percentage of its population than any other. Many of these volunteers also came from the Government (Truganina) Explosive Reserve.
Their deeds and their sacrifices will not be forgotten.
Members – ALHS